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Strange how one thing leads to another and we all get connected. My first ever website in 2010 was on Inspiration. I was still in the midst of writing my book and struggling with the loss of my dad in 2009 but this spark of determination kept me going. I truly wanted to make sense of this feeling within and where it came from. What is inspiration? How is it defined? How and where can we find it? Here is the link to my website and my take on inspiration:

Years later, in 2014, I embarked on a journey on twitter. Not only did it enable me to grow professionally and personally but connected me with likeminded passionate PLN who want to make a difference in the field of education. @PranSang and @KSThakral and myself were thinking about what the hashtag might be and before we knew it #INZpirED was born. 12 weeks on #INZpirED has proved not to be just an educhat but a community of passionate people who share not only thoughtful insights but also stories and laughs. We are so honoured to have a great PLN and our family is only growing bigger as we recently invited @DJCE57 to join us. Sometimes, we are aware of the twists and turns ahead and sometimes we are not but when it comes be ready to take it and take yourself and others on that journey you envisioned.

Here are the next 10 Questions:

1. How do you encourage SOLO Taxonomy?

2. How do you gain feedback about yourself about your own learning and teaching on a regular basis?

3. How do we share best practice? Is there room for shadow coaching?

4. How do you demonstrate and encourage moonshot thinking to your students?

5. "I am not a student you were trained to Teach" True or False? What upskilling do you need?

6. Analysis and interpretation of data? Why?

7. What makes a great personal development plan? Do you have one?

8. "Know thy impact" How do you know when you have made an impact?

9 IQ or EQ or both? Let's discuss.

10. "Be yourself" what characteristics define who you are? How would your students define you?

Twitter handle: @rsehji


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