Mrs Lovett's Pie Shop

'Mrs Mrs Lovett's Pie Shop' brief came about following a desire to extend cross curricular links beyond Technology. A conversation with the HOD Drama resulted in a collaboration between the teachers. The scene was set and the Year 12 food technology students were to design and process a pie for the school production 'Sweeny Todd'. Along with a brief introduction to the story line the students were given some initial attributes which they were to develop following ongoing research, stakeholder feedback and functional modelling. Below is a summarized abstract of the attributes students were given:
BRIEF is to develop a conceptual design for a pie that would be suitable to be eaten by the actors during the school production.
Must be a pie that is either vegetarian or sweet.
Must be based on Steampunk/19th Century imagery
Must be suitable for your chosen target group of performers
Must be suitable to be eaten with hands during the production
Must be prepared and cooked in 50 minutes
Must be served cold
Cost of raw materials under $5

It has been an awesome project with a lot of visible reciprocal learning (Ako) as the students and I learnt together and from each other. The students have been trialing and testing their ideas/concepts over a the 8 weeks. Their knowledge and skills have improved with practice. What was even more impressive was the fact that the students pushed their imagination and creativity to try some complex techniques to process the product. One student experimented with the Mufti Kit (Sodium Aliginate) and made his own 3D printed Cog to then create a silicone mold from scratch. The mold was then used to make the #steampunk chocolate cog pie top.
Since the students have shown such a marked improvement in their skills, I thought of awarding the students a digital badge. Once the students finish making pies consecutively for 6 days (25th - 29th July) they can claim their digital badge. The student(s) who make the most feasible design to the brief will be awarded a 'Top Pie Award' #badge

Learning Objectives linked to standards: AS91356 (Tech 2.3) and AS91357 (Tech 2.4), Total Credits: 12 and key competencies.
* No humans were harmed in the making of the pies for 'Mrs Lovett's Pie Shop' in Sweeny Todd school production