Giving Students a Voice
Students evaluating my teaching practice
This year after connecting with Craig Kemp (twitter handle @mrkempnz) in July I was inspired by his blog ' Being Evaluated by my Students - an inspirational experience', I gathered some courage and endeavoured to try this idea out with my Yr.9 food technology students. I discussed my idea with my students and explained why I wanted to try this new approach and not give them a pre formatted form with the teacher evaluation criteria already listed on it. I wanted to give them a voice, ownership for doing this their way and give them an opportunity to come up with criteria they deemed relevant. What was it that they thought had the most impact on their learning? Two of my students willingly took the lead and collaborated with the rest of the class in their own time to develop this criteria for the evaluation.
Teacher Evaluation 2014
General Class
Makes you look forward going to class
Gives clear instructions and expectations
Fair to all students
Makes you feel welcome and safe
Approachable if you have any questions or concerns
Allows enough time for work in class
Gives enough homework to last but not so much that you are working at home for hours
Takes your comments into consideration for what you want to do and achieve
Let’s you share ideas
Gives you tips on how to improve techniques and skills
Has the right knowledge to teach all areas and answer questions
Allows you to have an active role
Allows time for preparing a presentation
Gives you criteria for the presentation
I was pretty amazed by the sections and criteria my 14 year old students came up with. What do you think?